ENQUIRE HERE to drive in a 1 day, 14 day, 26 day or longer, 
5,000, 10,000 or 15,000 kilometre Australian adventure,
with AUSTRALIAN 4x4 EXPEDITIONS (A4x4E) from March 2025: 

Off-Road Driving Adventures Start Here 

Australian 4x4 Expeditions has a growing fleet of modern 4x4 vehicles. They are available for driving off-road in a variety of escorted expeditions across Australia, starting in April 2025.
Are you up for a real adventure, not just an armchair or virtual ride?
Experience real 4x4 action, new friends, new colours, new sounds, new thoughts and a possibly a new future vision for yourself.

Register below to get all the info and ask questions if you wish!

Hi, I’m Steve Marshall, a seasoned off-road adventurer who’s spent years exploring Australia’s most remote and breathtaking landscapes. I’ve owned many Land Rovers, including Range Rovers, and guided hundreds of expeditions over decades across this incredible country. I have driven lots of exciting tracks and discovered many amazing and often secret places never visited by most people. I'm passionate about photography, technology, learning, exploring new ideas and new concepts as well. My careers as a Maritime Officer, Science Teacher and utility and van hire business owner have prepared me well to share my knowledge of our great continent with you. 

Australian 4x4 Expeditions (A4x4E) is my dream business. I have set it up to help people like you experience real adventure and grow as humans. I'll provide you with a guided program of self development, all the training you need and a well equipped new 4x4 for extended off-road journeys.

These mostly travel
 thousands of kilometres, passing through wild, unspoilt, sparsely inhabited places. I am also running introductory drive days in the wild country between Canberra and Sydney in March 2025.

All participants in outback tours receive a Australian 4x4 Expedition  Reflective Jounal. The daily, thoughts, ideas and questions in the journal will build comraderie, help you refresh and reset your goals. You'll see and learn like never before, under thousands of stars in the night sky. An A4x4E adventure will be life changing for sure.    
All Australian 4x4 Expedition vehicles are expedition ready, packed with camping gear for 1 - 2 people, plus extra tyres, water and fuel.

The A4x4E hire vehicles are new Ineos Grenadiers purchased in 2024 and 2025.  They have dual diff locks, winches and extras like Apple Car play. 

 team is preparing now to lead visitors into remote areas for really extensive Australian "drive-yourself 4x4 expeditions" in 2025-26!

Think 1,000 or 10,000 kilometre (6000 Mile) adventures

The knowledge and experiences you gain with A4x4E will change your life for ever.
Don't have regrets!
Don't get any older without a real adventure

Take action today to
enjoy the ultimate 4x4 self-drive tour across the oldest driest continent on earth.
Hear the cockatoos, budgies and kookaburras!
See kangaroos, emus and wombats in the wild!

Each expedition has space for just 5 singles or couples. Our 4x4s are mostly two seaters.
Father & son and mother & daughter teams are catered for as well.

All equipment, food, fuel, accommodation, hire costs, vehicle insurance and damage waiver fees are included for the duration of each expedition.

Hotel vouchers are also provided for use before and after each expedition.

Visitors to Australia are most welcome.

Ladies and Gentlemen over 40 who have never driven a 4x4 before are particularly welcome. We will train and guide you all the way!

Apply or enquire now for the adventure of a lifetime.
Our 2025 A4x4E Mid - Year program is filling fast.

Are you in danger of living your whole life without having a real adventure?

Steve's book led to him being the keynote speaker at the worlds largest gathering of Land Rover owners in 2017. He has set up Aus 4x4 Expeditions to help others explore Australia too.

A4x4E's first two or four Ineos Grenadiers purchased in Brisbane in November 2024, above. 

Recent Off-Road Testing and Team Training shown here in northern NSW forests. 

Here are some mistaken beliefs:

Mistake #1: A4x4E is into rallying and extreme motor sports.

No! We are into sustainable and relaxed long distance off-highway and off-road driving. The thrill of discovery, the excitement of venturing into the unknown, and the demands of camping out in wilderness, will challenge and extend everyone involved.

Mistake #2: A4x4E are Dangerous.

As with all outdoor and motoring activities - especially in remote areas - there is an element of risk.

Here at A4x4E we are creating a - unique and sustainable - business model that offers the highest standard of safety, preparation, planning, training and compliance, along with extensive practical protection measures - for clients, team members and the environment. We seek to foresee, eliminate and /or mitigate risks for a responsibly led experience. We deliver real adventures for our clients and team members.

Mistake #3: Things at A4x4E are very haphazard. It is a "free for all", "she'll be right", "do anything", "no care" company.

Absolutely not!

The truth is that A4x4E is focused on being a 5-star operation. We are highly focused on setting and maintaining the highest possible safety standards - for people, the environment and our equipment.

Safety is everyone's responsibility at A4x4E.

Our expeditions are real adventures. The actual tracks we follow on any given expedition will depend on the weather, season and land owner permission. However we will achieve our goals by finding a way to reach our destinations. No two expeditions will be the same. The choice of tracks we have is extensive. Australia is a massive continent with unspoilt scenery, as most of the poulation is living close to the coast.

Clients will be involved in decision making and will need to contribute to the group for each expedition to succeed. Many nights will involve camping in wilderness. Tracks will involve river crossings, sand dunes, mud flats and steep grades. The actual route is subject to local conditions and last minute changes. Weather plays a big factor.  

The Australian spirit of mateship is necessary on every expedition. Also participants must apply and be interviewed to be accepted on these unique events. Good health and fitness, along with a willingness to camp out, work each day, and help others when necessary, are essential requirements. We are travelling together as "mates" and "working together as a team", to ensure the "whole A4x4E group" achieves the expedition goals. Then we can all celebrate at the final destination. We aim to create extraordinary memories, take only photos, leave only tracks and to have a really enjoyable time - so far as is possible in this large remote and beautiful land.

Safety is the highest priority
when decisions are to be made and when any potentially dangerous event occurs. Driving after dark is generally avoided to reduce danger and fatigue. Most evenings will be spent under the stars around a campfire re-living the day's adventure.

Australian 4x4 Expeditions is enormously grateful and respectful towards First Nations people. We work very closely with traditional owners of our land. We seek to involve traditional owners in all expeditions, to learn and to share.

We provide Real Adventure and Real Care for all involved! After all, life is meant to be fun! We support local artists in remote communities and a charity of choice on each expedition!

Taking our 2 day old Grennys - 'Mushroom' and 'Eldo' - to find a remote abandoned gold mine on the Great Dividing Range in New South Wales.

Outback tracks across the central deserts in Australia are an Australian 4x4 Expeditions speciality.

Its incredibly refreshing when the only thing you have to think about each day is getting your 3 tonne rig over the next dune!

We support indigenous artists whenever we can.

Registering here starts you on your way to driving in an Australian 4x4 Expedition (A4x4E). The steps are as follows:

  • Receive the FREE A4x4E newsletter by email
  • Be granted access to a FREE Video which will tells the A4x4E story, shows you where we travel and the types of country we travel in
  • Learn about our vehicles, our team and our vision for the future that will enable you to immerse yourself into the freedom and mateship spirit of outback and regional Australia
  • Begin to appreciate just how vast Australia is and the incredible opportunities available for real motoring adventures Down Under
  • Learn how to access a real Australian life style - even if only for a month or so - without actually immigrating or buying your own 4x4 - to travel our back roads and tracks
  • You will get the opportunity to fill in a survey, be invited to use a link to book a FREE 30 min consultation with me, Steve Marshall.
  • On that Zoom call I will see if your dreams, interests and skills really align. Then we will work out the best way to get you down here and into a modern 4x4 for a life changing immersive experience that will create unforgetable memories and make everyone back home green with envy while you glow in the warm outback golden sunshine. 
  • If you are a positive thinker and an action taker, you will love our pathways to adventure and the real people you will meet in Australia
  • All Expeditions require active involvement. The first step is to "plant the dream" like a seed in your mind and nurture it! Be confident you will harvest that dream later, even if you do not know how to now
  • The second step for all our clients is doing the training you will need to have completed to qualify as an A4x4E Qualified Driver. You need this training for your own safety, for the safe use of our equipment and for insurance purposes. Our online training program provides all the steps needed on the path to drive in a A4x4E adventure.
  • Set your goals and start preparing for the time away and the finances you need to participate.
  • Every A4x4E adventure will be unique. It will be co-designed in consultation with you and your partner, if travelling together.
  • We have 4 x pathways to qualify for driving with A4x4E in Australia Learn about these on the follow pages.
  • Please share this link with others who would enjoy an Australian 4x4 Expedition. The more people we have supporting this project, the faster it will grow and the easier it will be for you to participate.